Steinbach, Shelley
MBSR ist ein achtwöchiges wissenschaftlich basiertes Achtsamkeitstraining. Es beinhaltet acht Kernelemente. Diese bestehen aus dem "Bodyscan", der achtsamen Wahrnehmung des Körpers in Ruhe, sowie "Yoga", der achtsamen Wahrnehmung des Körpers in Bewegung und der Meditation im Sitzen als auch im Gehen. Ergänzt wird das Training mental durch Kurzvorträge und einen stetigen Erfahrungsaustausch in Bezug auf Stress, den Umgang mit Gefühlen und dem eigenen Körper und ein achtsame Kommunikation. Sie erhalten eine Anleitung zur Integration von Achtsamkeitsmomenten in Ihren Alltag.
This course at level B2 leading into C1 is for people with several years of English who can understand spoken and written English without difficulty, and who want to develop their fluency in speaking. A good knowledge of English grammar would be an advantage. Willingness to talk freely is more important than absolute correctness. Speak, chat and discuss! If you’re looking to develop your spoken English by means of interesting discussion and fun, then this course is definitely for you. This conversation course touches on a variety of topics using various articles and current news items as a basis and is sure to include something for everyone.
(5 - 6 Teilnehmer) 128,- € (7 - 8 Teilnehmer), 107,- € (ab 9 Teilnehmer)
This course at level B2 leading into C1 is for people with several years of English who can understand spoken and written English without difficulty, and who want to develop their fluency in speaking. A good knowledge of English grammar would be an advantage. Willingness to talk freely is more important than absolute correctness. Speak, chat and discuss! If you’re looking to develop your spoken English by means of interesting discussion and fun, then this course is definitely for you. This conversation course touches on a variety of topics using various articles and current news items as a basis and is sure to include something for everyone.
(5 - 6 Teilnehmer) 128,- € (7 - 8 Teilnehmer), 107,- € (ab 9 Teilnehmer)